From our friends at http://www.ksdp.org/
Kansas Republicans are setting a new bar for legislative lethargy.
First, under their failed leadership the Appropriations Committee has yet to produce any budget-balancing recommendations. Next, not content to simply do nothing some are attempting to nullify the hard work and actions of others through the Freedom From Healthcare Act.
Now, they've stopped showing up to do their job. With so little going on, it was only a matter of time before Republican legislators realized they didn't need to be there to get nothing done. The Topeka Capitol Journal is reporting on the culture of absences and tardiness that GOP leadership has allowed to develop in the state legislature:
“The average senator missed six days out of the possible 94 work days over 1 1/2 legislative sessions. … Three Democrats and 13 Republicans exceeded the Senate average.”
Don’t expect the leaders of the Kansas Republican Party to reform the negligent behavior of their fellow Republicans. During his failed Presidential campaign, Sam Brownback racked up one of the worst attendance records in the US Senate. Throughout his career, House Speaker Mike O’Neal has missed almost 100 days, more than the equivalent of an entire legislative session. With leadership like that it’s no curiosity why GOP attendance has been so bad. Don’t expect O’Neal to reform the do-nothing culture of the legislature as long as he remains speaker.
I've posted a totally hot yearbook of Senator Fro-back, I mean Brownback, for your viewing pleasure.
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